Wild Wednesdays - Herb Drying Rack

I love summer when everything is blooming and in season and lush. Winter makes me sad with the lack of green and leaves, but I feel less bad when I’m able to use my abundance of herbs and flowers from summer because I threw them up on this drying rack.

It’s super easy. Simply go outside and find a stick (not all sticks are created equal, when you find the right one, you’ll know). Buy leather cord from from a craft store and these great brass hooks from Amazon (click link here). Then put it all together and voila!

Then tell me what you’ll be drying!

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Wild Wednesdays - Crafting with Kat

The holidays bring home all the crafting and cozy vibes which I am undoubtedly here for. One of my favorites? Drying oranges to make into garland or to use for garnishing cocktails and drinks like in the previous post.

It’s the easiest thing.

  • Slice oranges with knife or mandolin (mandolin makes all the slices consistent, but like, watch your fingers).

  • Lay on paper towels and pat excess liquid away

  • Place on baking sheet

  • Bake at 200 degrees for 4 hours

  • Let cool for a couple of hours, then string, lay for decor, use for drinks, etc!

Holiday Gift Guide - Part One

The holidays are upon us and who knew that we would still be in Pandemic mode and even more unsure of what the next year holds. While you are probably starting to put your Christmas lists and budgets together, sifting through names for Christmas Card lists and if you’ll be going home or not, the gift giving portion can be overwhelming.

While I waver between the idealistic simplicity of minimalism and the undoubted maximalist that I am (to be fair, I think I am smack dab in the middle) I can’t argue with anyone that I have many things and I do love a good piece. Servingware, vintage glasses, random antiques and nature I’ve collected and the thing is that no one can come at me because I have probably lent something completely random and obscure to half the people in Nashville at one time or the other.

But, I will say, the holidays can make people consumer crazy and I’m as guilty getting caught up in it as everyone else. Usually it’s a slow easing out of my tabs as I realize I just spent an hour googling a random item at 10:30 pm that in actuality I have no intention of buying and then taking some deep breaths and murmuring some words about being content with what I have.

So, here’s an idea for you. That beer bread from the second episode for Wild Wednesdays? It makes a great gift. Low number of ingredients, easy to mix and make, and is basically foolproof. Just combine all of the dry ingredients into a bag or cute containers ( can be all divided up), add in a can of beer and instructions, then package up (in a super cute stocking from Spark Vintage) and gift!

Great for someone who wants to get into baking but is intimidated, a group activity for kids, or a friend who wants the self care of being in the kitchen without the stress of a million things happening at once. It gets used, is practical and won’t take up shelf space.

Happy Holidays,


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Giving Thanks - In Spirit

The holidays are going to be looking different this year, on so many accounts. Maybe this is the first time you’ve chosen not to go home due to Corona or keeping family safe, you have to work because we’re in a pandemic and money is tight, or things are just weird all around and staying home is the best option.

Here for you. Don’t forget to self-care, go outside and phone a friend or family member. Then make this cocktail and FT your bestie.

I’m lucky enough to have my parents visiting for a few days over Thanksgiving and while they arrive tomorrow I wanted to make sure my Thanksgiving cocktail was good to go, they’re great and awesome but you know, could think of better things I could be spending my time on than recipe testing cocktails ;)

So, cheers. Make this drink if you can or another if you must. Show me what you’re making on insta (@wildartifact). Dive deep into the thankfulness and maybe you didn’t get that trip to Spain you were planning, the wedding of your dreams got re-booked or ended up completely different and maybe now you’re shopping in a different jean size (who isn’t tho, amiright) so I encourage you to look to the small, mundane, ordinary, those stable parts of life that are constant and always there, in the most beautiful of ways.

For myself, a lot of cool, fun things didn’t happen, but instead of stressing out, I breathed out and let the space linger. I am thankful for my stunning, beautiful friends who show up all the damn time, the way the light filters through my bedroom curtains in the morning, the scent of the air that changes throughout the year. I am thankful for my cute little house (no matter the eye rolley things that happen to it), the beautiful but small gatherings I did get to do, the words and support whispered to me that enabled me to take the leap and start Wild Wednesdays and launch Wild Artifact into another direction. The work, the work, the work. Thankful for space to dive deeper than I ever have and start opening those rooms I’d welded shut, to heal and love and learn. Thankful for the summer nights I would be ridiculous and dress for dinner, dishes I would experiment with, then smoke a cigar and stay out and greet the stars as they appeared and get lost in silence and wonder. I got to play a lot this year, not vacation play or sports or the typical, but I got to experiment and have successes and then also not have things work out and that be ok. Thankful for the times I got to spend with my family, beautiful/stressful/full/loving/hard working times. Lying with my niece in the middle of a windy summer, Minnesota night, the stars so numerous our brains felt like exploding and our eyes hurting, trading secrets and talks and feeling more like adults than the boundary of elder. The friendships that have deepened with intentionality and authenticity. The books I’ve read and the three journals I’ve ferociously written in, the dreams that have come to me every night and the ones that have made it in the dream journals. Thankful for friends love stories unfolding before our eyes and those little bursts of humanity that stun and leave you shaken, in the best way. Those moments of courage and bravery where I felt like throwing up and stopping, because it all felt bigger than myself and what I could handle….and doing it anyway. The five little lemon trees that are thriving from those Gin + Tonics made on a sultry night in June.

And the thing is, I can keep going. But I’ll save that for what may inevitably be my fifth journal of 2020 and just say that I am also thankful for you. To anyone who reads this and has encouraged or supported me in any way. It can be hard to keep going when comparison and the world so daunting and full of people doing amazing things, but y’alls kind words give me life. So, thank you.

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Episode Two - Breaking Bread - Wild Wednesdays

Let’s. Break. This. Bread.

Honestly, I roll my eyes to admit that I have too many thoughts as an adult of wishing that I had taken high school way more seriously, this coming from a teacher’s pet and kid who loved learning and reading and school and homework (for the most part). I do, however, wish there had been avenues to explore things that I was interested and curious about but didn’t immediately grasp. I was fascinated by so many things but we moved quickly through subjects and atoms and periodic tables and equations and my mind had more questions than they allowed answers for so I just waded through and tried to get passing grades. Did I tell you I cried whenever I didn’t get an A (annoyed at myself, even) so when I tell you I was happy with a C or D in math that came after an exorbitant amount of personal blows to the ego. 

Intricacies of sourdough and the breads you have to whisper magic words to and leave gifts for them to rise are not necessarily my forte but a quest I aim to conquer soon. I knew I wanted to do my mom’s beer bread as a segment since I bring it to everything, the easiest thing to make if you are short on time or even ingredients. People will be impressed, bread will be eaten, you will leave the table with your head high…and you can still try to learn sourdough and watch every YouTube tutorial.

But beer bread is a great to: 

  • Give as a gift, just combine dry ingredients and package together with a can or bottle of beer. 

  • Bring to a dinner party with local butter, or make a dipping oil (people will think you fancy)

  • Enjoy by yourself, on the couch with a bottle of wine, the dipping oil, and some brie and honey. 

Don’t do drugs. Stay in school. Make beer bread. Share with a friend. Or don’t, and eat it in bed by yourself.

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Tiger Kitty Tears - A Cocktail

An odd name for a cocktail, to be sure. I’ve said how much I hate long, drawn out paragraphs to recipes because we don’t need to know every minute detail of the weekend you just had, but this one does owe some backstory.

It was the week of the launch for Wild Wednesdays. I was exhausted, suffering from Impostor Syndrome, questioning everything I’ve ever done and will I ever make enough money to like, have a savings account much less buy a house or send my plant babies to college. The spiral hit and every issue I’d bottled up inside came bursting forth. I couldn’t stop it. Family issues, hurt and disappointment from romantic relationships, that comparison of legit everyone is better and more talented than me, feeling like everything I was touching wasn’t good enough, people were disappointed in me and I was running at 100000% but the production was 50%. That I was choosing to do this thing that I felt so compelled and drawn to but was it all a complete joke and should I just go get a desk job somewhere and let them start calling me Kathy and die a slow, drawn out death but be able to chat about my 401K.

So, instead of working out, my roommate sat at the kitchen table with me, tears streaming down my face, my breath catching and voice shaking as I unloaded it all, ashamed that I was feeling and acting like a child and yet I couldn’t stop. My chest ached and my heart hurt. Barely able to see through the barrage of tears, my hands fumbled around my bar cart, picking up bottles, putting them down, keeping the ones that felt right, until I had ingredients in front of me.

I needed to play and produce one thing right. Something to end the day. To close on a high note and be born anew in the morning. It wasn’t really about the cocktail, getting drunk or showing off my perfect life and perfect skills on social media. It was about the familiar, the unknown and, mostly, trusting my instincts. The same instincts that I’ve trusted through this entire process and that haven’t let me down, but because of the world, insecure people projecting their shit, lack of grounding and burning the candle at both ends, I’d started second guessing.

So I played.

I didn’t think. I didn’t second guess. I didn’t measure carefully. Tears ran down my face and splashed onto my arms, I’m sure a few forayed into the shaker. I felt.

It was exactly right.

And so was that night. While I don’t advocate for always treating your friends as therapists, there are time and places when that happens authentically and I am always and forever grateful to the humans who have been there for me in moments like that, and feel honored when I can be that person for one of my friends. We skipped a workout for a walk and Mexican Food, a movie and margaritas. I handed my worries to the next day and in the end, it was perfect.

It can be hard when you live the type of life that no one has a rule book for or hands you the to-do list to be successful or is like, here’s your tasks for the rest of your life. It’s exciting and thrilling, freeing and inspiring. The world is ours and can be intoxicating with the possibilities. And yet, to produce all the time can take you to dark places, is terrifying, constantly putting yourself out there because the separation between art/work/self is a constant battle.

So, close your laptop at 5, put down your brush, place your camera back into its case. Do something creative that isn’t for production. Write some thoughts to burn. Treat yourself like a child and eat some food and put yourself down to bed early.


love your life

“your life. love it. from the hurt to the wonder. from the bone to the flower. love it. with everything you’ve got. it’s yours.” - Nayyirah Waheed

Many people see what I post and think my life is this beautiful, carefree, magazine editorial full of stunning dinners and beautiful art, and it is. I love my life. I love what I’ve created and the collisions of beautiful circumstances that has led to the humans who are my loves and community and friends. But I also choose to love my life. Because it’s full of dark, trauma, scratching to survive and pulling myself up from the depths of things I thought I might never recover from. I’ve been exhausted since the day I was born. My life is beautiful, because I know the other side. If you’re jealous, know that I work every day. Infants have more money in their bank accounts because everything I have I pour back into my business or collaborations or friends. I haven’t shut off my email or not worked on a trip or vacation in 3 years. Networking, promoting, dreaming and scheming is constant for all aspects of my jobs. At the end of the day, I have no one to rely on, my parents don’t financially support (as they shouldn’t) or partner who has a stable job or health insurance where if my own work falls away it’s ok because there is backup. My life has never been safe or secure.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve always had that insatiable feeling that has me running towards it, towards more and knowing I’m creating something more. Chase the light. Creating it.

So, love your life. Love the way your sheets feel as you crawl into bed, the way the light filters through your bathroom window. Love the way therapy wrecked you this week or the hard decision you had to make for your family. Love delving into the dark depths you keep shutting away so that the light can shine brighter. Love the fact you can leave your desk job at 5pm on Friday and not think about it until Monday morning, or the way you work on your passion project every chance you get. Love letting yourself play, create to create. Love your life. It’s yours.


Episode One - Shaken, Not Stirred - Wild Wednesdays

Welcome to the first official episode of Wild Wednesdays! Happy Hour feat. “Shaken, Not Stirred.” Throughout this episode I’ll go through a little bit of history of the cocktail, liquor, creation of it and the supplies, intermixed with a narrative. Extra? Probably. Hilarious? Definitely.

“Shaken, not stirred,” the infamous quote from James Bond that transcends borders of land, time and space. For all of my love of cocktails and trying new things I have always been intimidated by the martini. I love ordering Dirty Martinis at the bar (the dirtier the better) but making them at home scared me, they seemed so classy, so refined and elegant, so….not me.

But then the pandemic hit, and I had less time with friends and more time to get annoyed at the fact that I was intimidated by them. So. Here we are. Turns out they’re super easy and now one of my favorite things.


Tune in below. Recipes are at the end of the page. Narratives are fun but when you’re basically working with a low-key professional actor (um, hey friend, next time give a girl a heads up) it makes you think twice about yourself acting in front of the camera ;)

Videography/editing: Angell Foster

Creative Direction/Still Photography: Ashtin Paige

Talent: John Pritchard

Location: Studio Nous


A series of videos by a curious Kat. Mixed parts of tutorials, recipes, tips n’ tricks and folklore advice. How to make a solid martini, ask someone those burning existential questions, and change a tire. I know a little about a lot, am not an expert, am a forever student and also kind of everyone’s dad. I will probably get many things wrong, misspeak and potentially do things out of order (cuz we’re keeping this irl, also thank you sudden onset adult dyslexia).

So, these will be what they are. Fun, somewhat informative and will hopefully make you laugh. Self started, community created. Let’s have fun with it, I can’t wait to see how/what/when we’ll do things. So here’s the trailer to get you excited and get things rolling.

Let’s do something.

Shot by Angell Foster and Ashtin Paige. Edited by Angell Foster. Created by Kat Wolle, Wild Artifact.

Wild Wednesday Teaser

“Do not strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given to you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.” - Letters to a Young Poet.

Every major decision in my life has been made following a feeling, a knowing. My parents will say that it’s God telling me to do something, I will expand that and say that I’m following intuition, perhaps spiritually enhanced. From decisions made throughout the day or major life changes, trusting it has proven its legitimacy a thousand times over, especially when I ignore it or think it could be wrong. That bites me in the ass every single time.

That intuition is why I’ve chosen majors, moved, jobs, friends, good/bad decisions, dropping a random note in a mailbox or a care basket off to a friend. It’s why I’ve waited, or charged forward. Said “yes” to everything sprinkled with the occasional “no”.

I’ll share a secret with you. Since I was young I’ve seen this and more, dreams I thought would only stay in the clouds but now are floating within reach and as much as I show online, behind the scenes I’ve been working on secrets for years. But, much like the quote at the top, I knew I had to be quiet, and wait, and live. There were experiences to experience, projects to build, people to meet and life to live that would all need to be moving to make it happen. I wasn’t quite ready, there had to be more growth and shedding of ego and self and It would take community, so many experiments, soul crushing events and building back ups, time alone, time filled, and light seeking everything.

So now has come the time to listen to it again.

A morning in June. I woke up and felt the knowing, the feeling like if I didn’t do what was inside my head I was going to throw up. Then the pieces began to gather together, the people started to show up, my force of nature friends arrived and gave themselves to my service. Speechless.

So the first project is being released. It’s fun, quippy, meant to be laughed at, taken somewhat seriously, shot beautifully, enjoyed and whatever. It’s out of my head, that’s the biggest part. Here’s a teaser that doesn’t explain at all what I’m doing at all but it will keep your interested piqued until tomorrow.

To the follow throughers, the people who dream and do, the ones who have an insatiable need to get the ideas out of their head. Cheers and Amen.

Video: Ashtin Paige / Editing: Angell Foster / Location: Bloomsbury Farm

Secret Dinners in Secret Gardens

I remember last summer, barely. When gatherings were a dime a dozen, bubbling happy hours were enjoyed and birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries and parties were filled to the brim. We ended 2019 with the anticipation of roaring into the 2020’s like the Great Gatsby, and then…pause.

Gatherings screeched to a halt, weddings were postponed, groups of more than 6 were condemned. Now, slowly, we’re emerging. Cautiously, faltering sometimes, unsure how to act when encountering humans or situations outside of our daily routine or friend group.

We started to bring back small. Small, intentional. Giving rising to quality over quantity. Good, detailed design versus large, show-stopping awe and tricks. And we don’t invite everybody.

The first of our Secret Dinners at Bloomsbury Farm, not the title we meant for it but the easiest one that kept coming out in office talks and conversation. We went from summer to the first real reprieve of all in a day, and we managed to capture it.


Dinner designed in the small garden, lights strung, cocktails featuring Bloomsbury Farm produce and arrangements created from foraged flowers and plants by myself, Wild Artifact. Food by In Good Company and Chef Courtney McKay. Music by Kelsey Kopecky and vibes by everyone who attended. Night captured by Coy Sellers.


Get Toasty....

I really dislike reading long, over explanatory paragraphs when the recipe I want and desire is hidden in-between or at the bottom. So, you won’t find that here.

But it’s the end of summer and tomato season so we’re gonna say a goodbye to our summer love with this simple dinner.

A take on Bruschetta, with a twist of course. I’m a sucker for veggies roasted and slightly charred and the mix of asparagus with the freshly picked tomatoes is swoon-worthy, also be prepared with a drop cloth because the delicious butter and savory oil will be dripping down your hands and face in a split second. Worth it though.

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Live well. Love wild.

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The water called, like the siren myths of sailor lore past. Beckoning me with this overwhelming need to slip beneath the silky surface, to wash away the parts which were no longer serving, those parts that had been breaking the skin already and needed this last bit of effort to fall free.

So I went down to the water.


Fear pricked the back of my neck as I stood staring at the dark, unknown body. Not unlike times I have stared into the mirror, not recognizing who lay beneath the blue waves of my own eyes. Fearful to go past the surface, to ask the questions, to wonder out loud, to declare. Because the things I wanted to say didn’t sit well with my upbringing and that’s what happens “when you let girls go off to the city”, the ones who go before us are portrayed as weak and suggest-able and, “come back with all these ideas in their heads”.

I love the ideas in my head. I love the friends and encounters who have put them there and am grateful for the bad experiences who have too. When I say “no”, it carries weight and when I say “yes”, it paves the way. When I make a decision based on the right things instead of what people will think, that’s my being “high and mighty”, but maybe I don’t want to be shackled to the minute ideas in other people’s heads.

So. I slipped beneath. It terrifies me, that outward action of an inner war, fought valiantly maybe not even well, never far from peripheral. Letting the surface close over your face like a funeral shroud. There was a time when I was scared of never letting myself break the surface and see the light again. The reason I am always chasing. Chasing the light so I don’t commit the mistake of thinking I don’t deserve it.

I thought of all the monsters swimming around me in the lake. The slippery serpents that darted between my ankles and poked at my calves. The ones that lay in wait underneath the boulders that darted the path and the toothy grinned demons that wanted me to swim, further into the deep so they could take me to the bottom in one fell swoop.

I slipped beneath the surface.

The seaweed slid around my ankles, reminding me of the chains I’m breaking free from. The darting kisses from sunnies around my legs tickled and made me laugh. The boulders tripped us and I couldn’t blame the fake monsters for sticking out their legs in jest. And the thing saying not to swim further is the lie in my head that’s scared of expansion and change and vulnerability, because what if it doesn’t work. But what if it does and instead of a tiny lake holding me hostage I’ve found that I can swim in the middle of the entire ocean.

Photography: Ashtin Paige



And through it all I wanted to be surrounded by humans who are entirely out of control. Who give the dresses and shirts off their back, who say yes freely and no necessarily. Who end conversations with I love you’s and meetings with hugs. Who show up at the house, who will be there within the hour, who give freely of their gifts. Who know their worth and ask for more. Who recognize worth and give more. People who feel like sunlights and will bask in the moonlight. Who ask the hard questions and whisper the easy ones, who forgive every day for what hasn’t been done and resurrect themselves anew every morning. Who dance unabashedly and sit in stillness unashamed. Who cry at the movie and marvel in unison with a child’s imagination. Who question what we have been indoctrinated with and easily exudes love anyway. Who attend to Creation. Who wants to be heaven to people here on Earth. Who live for the moments of silence and awe during a Thursday afternoon and when it can’t be contained, letting loose the sounds of whooping and hollering and joyous laughter. Who let themselves be curious without turning to see who is watching. Who take care of their bodies and thank them for everything they have done. Who love their minds and let them rest. Who give themselves permission to wan things and speak uncomfortable truths rather than comfortable lies. Who let themselves feel everything so that lessons can be learned. Who are brave not just in the loud ways but the quiet moments never put on display. Who are full of themselves so much that they are free. Who are never afraid to start over or let go of what feels safe and sure in the presence of something that is simmering and firing and feeding us in all the ways we weren’t before. Who sit on the chair sideways. Because last night’s musings turn into the morning’s musings and when you can’t shake the feeling at the door you invite it in for coffee.

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The hush of dusk falling is interrupted with bouts of laughter and voices, the popping of firewood and whoosh of embers as more fuel is added to a growing fire. Faces flush as the heat reaches skin and bourbon warms the belly. The colors changing in the leaves signifying an end to another season and the hint of anticipation of a new one.  


An event inspired by the life and cooking style of Francis Mallmann, king of open fire cooking in his native land of Argentina. Bloomsbury Farm, 425 acres nestled in the rolling hills of Tennessee. A stunning vintage Lord & Burnham Greenhouse, complete with stone base, moved and rebuilt by hand by the owner’s father, to grow his prized orchids in. For the day, though, we are using it to gather and commune. When I design an event for Bloomsbury Farm or my own company, Wild Artifact, I go deep and look for meaning in everything, deep cuts for references and those small details you may never notice but mean everything. Taylor McFerran of The Hallway is the hype man every event, party and friend needs. He’s there to tell you that there’s enough time, split wood, run itinerary and do some impeccable marketing and will throw in enough “beautifuls” with a slight British lilt (he’s from Tennessee) to make you smile and breathe even though no, there is not enough time but it will all be perfect.  


The styling slightly Nordic, slightly barbaric enough to think that hunters had just trekked in a mere few hours ago with the meat procured and ready to be cooked. Woodpiles stacked for both function and fashion, sheepskins dotted the landscape and leather hides layered against weathered wood grain. 

This table holds stories, you can just make out the whispers of previous occupants, both sitting at the table and when it was the side of an original log cabin on the property, dating back to the Civil War. Bloomsbury Farm, located just outside of Nashville, is the keeper of such stories. Arrowheads and artifacts are routinely found while digging plots for fields and while walking through the forests and fields you rarely feel completely alone.


There is an energy here, a vibration not felt while walking down Broadway or sitting in one of the many new coffee shops that pop up in Nashville. It’s an old energy. The same one felt with hands that cupped the soil in 1756 and the same energy we feel when I walk across the yard or through the sunflower patch. The kind of energy felt when you are in tune with the earth, the moon, the sun. When your livelihood depends on Mother Nature’s kindness and in return you place the respect she deserves. 

Chefs Courtney McKay and Rahaf Amer brought their food artistry to the fold when designing the meal for the event. Featuring locally raised meat, organic vegetables from Bloomsbury and a whole mess of cast iron, they elevated everyone’s taste buds. I never knew I needed an 18” cast iron of Lionsmane and Blue Oyster mushrooms but I know acknowledge the mistake I’ve been making all of these years by not having it. They also made my dream come true of roasting chestnuts over an open fire so, checking that off the bucket list.  


Observing whole chickens cooking on the fire brought these primal reverberations coursing throughout the air, the gigantic mushrooms blackening over the open flames giving pause. Guests were mesmerized as they passed by and studied.

While farm-to-table dinners hit a trending rate a few years ago I believe in them so much. They take you outside of what you know, outside of the same concrete, air and people that surround you constantly. Whether it’s held outside in a rolling field, camped out in a barn or greenhouse, or being invited into the farmer’s house, it takes us one intention closer. An intention to sit at a table and wonder about someone new, to be curious about brand new person. One step closer to Earth and being invited to a look inside another’s life. That’s a special gift. 

Then head back to Garrett to grab another cocktail, a custom bourbon cocktail featuring a burning palo santo stick placed under the glass long enough to smoke it up and capture the essence of the wood. For dinner, of course, Malbec from Argentina. 


So, the next time you are at a dinner being held at a farm, step outside the circle of light for a few minutes. Appreciate how long and slow the meal was, the connections made, the conversation had. Feel your feet on the ground, open your hands, breathe deep. Close your eyes. Feel the magic. 


Venue: Bloomsbury Farm - Nashville, TN

Event Design: Kat Wolle - Wild Artifact / Bloomsbury Farm

Chefs: Courtney McKay and Rahaf Amer

Photography: Nicola Harger

Marketing/Production: Taylor McFerran/The Hallway

Cocktails: Garrett Carr

*Scroll through the gallery for more pictures.

In response. A memoir.

Sean. Sorry for the long delay but since I’ve had a busy day of hustling (what you have to do when you won’t “just pick a guy to settle down and marry to take care of you”). But I wanted to really see what you were saying and respond, not react, in a respectful and gracious manner after your responses to my sharing of the Gillette Ad on Toxic Masculinity, and interpret my use of emoji of course and if Tennessee if fueling my seemingly man hating feminism.

The fact that you see feminism as male hating is sad and part of the problem. The feminists I know aren’t male hating and a lot of them are men as well. The ones who are married or dating are in some of the most healthy relationships I’ve witnessed and their friendship in kind emulates a healthy and mutual respect for both parties. I love, respect and find great friendships with male friends. I’d love to marry a man some day. They are intuitive, intelligent, caring, empowering and loving. But feminism isn’t about hating on the male gender, it’s about fighting for equal rights and opportunities for women. It’s fighting for the woman whose husband won’t let her get a job even though she wants to work and needs that outlet, it’s for the woman who makes 19% less than her male counterparts and who “works harder because she has to prove herself more” – an actual quote from the CEO of a company I was talking to. Being able to choose between working, staying home with their children or doing both. Having an equal household. Being able to wear what you want without being judged. Empowering instead of tearing down. I was raised around great male figures (so lucky) but also have experienced first hand and witnessed the repercussions when a male has had less than stellar examples for how to treat a woman, or even when they seem to be “raised the right way” and use that as an excuse or an advantage. How many “Christian” guys I’ve gone out with who claimed their faith as “so important” when then expecting something else “so important” and throwing a temper tantrum when I said no. The thinking that because a girl is wearing a tank top or shorts means she’s asking to get hit on or raped. Listen, my favorite fashion genre is Elevated Amish and you should have heard some of the things I’ve been told and I absolutely refuse to take the crushing responsibility for an entire gender’s thoughts and actions on the thought that my appearance makes them think and do things that are sins but instead of it being on them, it’s my fault for being who I am and those ill fitting grey pants I got at Goodwill really turn a random guy on but it’s not his fault because I’m the one who chose to wear them. Hard pass.

When, after going on a few DATES and corresponding back and forth,  “Dan” told me that after we got married I was going to stay at home with the kids where I belonged and not work and take my place there. While trying to tell him we weren’t going to be seeing each other any more he flew into a rage and told me that “God told me that we are going to be together so I’m going to have you one way or another.” Constant innuendos, ass grabs, wandering hands, expectations after they’ve paid for a few drinks, snide remarks about waiters once they leave, them telling you that the career and passion path you’ve chosen is basically just a placeholder until “we” get married. You make sure you are rapt with attention while he talks so that he knows you are listening and validating his story but the minute you start to talk his eyes wander and check out the waitress you can hear moving behind you. I’ve let my guard down and had the worst happen thinking I could trust someone. The fact that at every moment of my life outside of my house, (well, inside too), I am constantly formulating an escape plan if things get to a Threat Level: Midnight. Walking in a parking lot, down a sidewalk, through a building, in a bar, constantly uploading and adapting. I laugh because as I say all of these things it’s no wonder why myself and women in general are utterly exhausted.

So take our inside joke that you make every year about why I don’t just pick someone to settle down with because I’m one year older and my uterus is getting dusty and growing cobwebs. We both have laugh, I do too, because now it’s tradition and still sort of funny but the thing is I start to wonder the same thing.  Because so far I haven’t dated anyone who has wooed enough to make me Marie-Kondo-clean-out my uterus, but I do see literally every man around me falling on his knee throwing a diamond ring at his girlfriend. I work so hard for so little and think sometimes how nice it would be if I didn’t have to worry about paying for my bills solo and could just worry about having dinner on the table at 6:00 and a martini in hand when he walks in the door at 5:30. But going on dates reminds me of who I don’t want and those that spark, well, there just wasn’t enough spark to catch on the lint trailing out of my uterus to start the final bonfire. It’s also that question that makes me keep searching for my feminist husband who is out there, picket sign in one hand and waiting with a broom in the other. 

The video I posted, I captioned with a heart and hand clap emoji. The video made me cry. It made me feel. It gave a call to action. It was beautiful. It touched on bullies, the paper cut comments meant to bring someone down, physical abuse, treatment of women and the “boys will be boys” mentality that only gets worse when boys become older and then are dads and bosses and people in power who have say over other peoples’ lives. It then showed the empathy some men already have and others need, the acts of kindness and it ended with a call to action. It’s asking men to be better, not just to women but other men as well. Yes. I hearted it and hand clapped it. Creative directing that idea was brave as well as genius and I wanted to give props to those people. It also makes me so proud of my siblings and friends and the way they are raising their children, both boys and girls. It gives me hope for the next generation and even more hope for the one following.

So, no. I wouldn’t say it’s Tennessee.


January Inspiration

I’m not sure what the weather is like where you are but even though I’m happy that Nashville isn’t high on the snow count, there are still enough gray days where I find myself staring out the window, idea-less and convinced that I’ve used up all of my creativity and I will never be able to produce anything ever again.

Dramatic, I know, but that’s the most exciting thing I’ve done today except send a ton of emails. But what does get me out of this funk, other than jetsetting to Tulum or the Amalfi coast? Finding inspiration. Whether it’s on Pinterest, looking through art and photography books, old travel books, etc.

So, I’m rounding up some of the pics that have gotten me through the gray days here in Nashville and hopefully they help you too. I’ve included a compilation board for you to save and print off or pin for later inspiration.

*All pictures taken from Pinterest, follow me for links to their original pages! @wildartifact

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Holiday Spirit

Holidays are obviously full of gift giving, food devouring, drink swilling and lots of family time, with some those ensuing more-so around family than usual.

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If you’re friends with me then it’s fair to say at some point I’ll either make you a gift or food object at some point. I’ll be honest, sometimes it is me trying to save money but other times it’s because I tried something awesome and I want to share it with everyone. Literally.  

So, infusing gin. I love gin as a base for cocktails because you can do a lot with it and it’s easy to play around with. I got the idea to do an infusion when I wanted to add some flavor to fin but couldn’t find the right type of liqueur or bitters to do it and thought there had to be a way to infuse it into the gin. Turns out there is.

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For my gin infusions I tried to think of my friends and what their personalities evoked when I thought of them/what flavors they like and what ones would work well with gin. My synopsis? Lemon, grapefruit, chamomile and ginger.

And it’s SUPER easy. Almost way too easy.

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Pick your poison. Then pick your infusion.


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1 mason jar of gin

2 tea bags


Let steep for 1 day and take out tea bags. Keep in jar or transfer to resalable , airtight container. Store in a cool, dry place.




1 mason jar of gin

Peel rind of one lemon

Juice lemon and pour into jar


Let sit for 1-2 days, then take out rind, strain gin with a fine mesh strainer (I used a fine cotton cloth) and transfer gin back to jar or reseal-able airtight container. Store in a cool, dry place.

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Enjoy Responsibly.


Healing Winter Broth Recipe

Last January, during a bout of sickness where, for a few days, I did believe that I was not going to survive the winter, I made up this recipe. I was housesitting and didn’t have access to my arsenal of voodoo stuff at home so I was making do with what they had in their pantry for whatever I could think of that could help me. So, this was born.


As always, you can adjust this for your own taste. I prefer bold flavors with a good deal of heat and spice but I also know if I gave that to my roommate she might throw up. So feel free to make this a version of your own! If you are feeling a cold coming on I would add two cloves of garlic and healthy amounts of freshly grated ginger (or dry spices if you have to) to really nip things in the bud.



Healing Winter Broth 

1 cup (8 oz) of broth (vegetable, bone or chicken, preferable low sodium)

½ tsp Himalayan rock salt

1 tsp turmeric

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp red pepper flakes

1 clove fresh garlic

Pinch of green onion tops

1 tsp of freshly grated ginger


*Pour broth into small saucepan and turn heat to medium/low. You just want to heat the broth, it doesn’t need to boil.

When broth is beginning to simmer, add the rest of ingredients.



Fire Starter

A taste of spring came yesterday, unexpectedly, in the middle of December when usually the days are short and nights are cold. A Sunday morning spent baking Christmas cookies seemed like we forcing a lie upon ourselves and conjuring feelings and cheer. Over 60 degrees, sun shining, friends walking through neighborhoods and paying house calls, it was a pretty perfect day.

After doing some work in the afternoon and not getting to really play outside all I wanted to do was sit in the fresh air. Told my roommate to not plan dinner, grabbed firewood and pizza from the store and headed home. The night was settling into the perfect evening, a caress of a breeze, a coolness preceding that with a clear sky.  

For all of my best intentions and fire starting capabilities, that wood was just a mite damp and my efforts for an organic start were futile and I had to trudge back to the house for the back up fire starter. Much to my chagrin that also took about three tries to actually get that wood to burn and then it was good to go. My roommate commented as we were bringing dinner outside “Wow, that fire is really going!” To which I replied, “I used the fire starter, it had no choice!’  

It was  a perfect night filled with deep conversation, connecting, laughing and overall enjoying the company of a friend who knows you so well. The stars were so beautiful and clear that we got out our star gazing apps and were looking up constellations and letting the awe wash over us as the realization of how small we really are set in during those moments you can only ever fully stop to realize.  

As the fire was dying down Becky had made another comment about how well the fire did after the starter was used. Thinking about it for a second though I replied back, “the fire had started before, it alive and going, it was hot, but it needed some encouragement, it needed the fire starter even though it was technically hot enough if the wood wasn’t damp.” Then I grabbed the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes and muttered out “hold on, there’s an analogy in there, hold please”.

How many times can we feel like the fire before the starter? We’re alive, doing our thing, going along, but we’ve lost the spark that kept us ignited. The flames are slowly fading and maybe every once in awhile you get a whiff of oxygen to keep going but it isn’t enough to sustain. Maybe a slew of bad things keep happening and we feel like it’s going to completely go out, our embers are dying one at a time. But then a fire starter comes in, a friend who so completely believes in you, what you are doing, speaks to you heart and soul and reignites that flame.

I feel like I am, but I always want to be a fire starter. I am surrounded by amazing humans who are and I’m not sure if that’s luck or if we’re all drawn to the flames but I am so grateful. But then it’s taking what you’ve been given, the encouragement and empowering and belief and pouring that into someone else who needs it. Because if we are all pouring into someone else just think of the light that shines from that, how tall is that fire. Think of how mesmerizing a bonfire is, people can’t help but stare into the flames and get lost in the wonder, the power, the sheer breathtaking nature of the light. Then think of those people who are the same, their light and energy invokes awe and think of them taking their energy and giving a portion of that to someone who needs it. Because when that happens, they literally don’t have a choice, their fire can’t help but become ignited even in the smallest amount. Then someone else will do the same until your fire is fully stoked and you can, in turn, empower someone else. So, whose fire are you going to help re-ignite this week?
